Submission of Passport Applications through postal system News / Events

Submission of Passport Applications through postal system


Press Release

Submission of Passport Applications through postal system

1.  As per extant rules, Indian nationals are required to submit filled-in passport application forms (for fresh/renewal of passports) in person at the Consulate General of India in Shanghai for further processing. However, the ongoing strict Covid-19 pandemic-related travel restrictions in Shanghai city/Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces continue to pose a challenge to Indian nationals to visit the Consulate premises in person. Considering these difficulties, it has been decided to accept passport applications through postal system w.e.f. 18th July 2022. Details on how to apply and the steps to be followed can be accessed at

2.  It may be noted that the facility of postal acceptance of passport applications will be in addition to the current system of in person submission of passport applications at the Consulate. Indian nationals may opt for either mode of the service. Those who wish to avail in person passport services may please book online appointment in advance at this link:

July 15, 2022