Talk by Dr Amitendu Palit News / Events

Talk by Dr Amitendu Palit


Consulate General of India, Shanghai organized a talk by Dr Amitendu Palit on 'China India Economics : Challenges, Competition and Collaboration' on August 17. The talk covered an overview of the bilateral economic relationship, common challenges to development facing China and India and areas of competition between the two countries. The talk was well attended with participation from both Indian diaspora as well as the Chinese academic community.


Dr Amitendu Palit is Head (Development & Programmes) and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) in the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also an Associate of the Global Asia Institute (GAI) at the NUS. An economist specialising in international trade and foreign investment, his current research interests are China-India comparative economic dimensions, Asia's trade architecture, and political economy of climate change in India.


Dr Palit worked in India's Ministry of Finance for a decade and handled India's external sector, industrial and infrastructure policies. He has also worked in India's Ministry of Industry and Civil Supplies and was with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), a leading economic policy think-tank in India. He has been on the Advisory Committees of India's Planning Commission and the International Labour Organisation (ILO).


Dr Amitendu Palit delivering the talk

Q & A session

Dr Palit interacting with the Consul General